Monday, December 29, 2008

Three weeks old

The last couple of weeks have been kind of a tornado. With the holidays it's been an endless stream of visitors, family gatherings, and outings. Hopefully now things will begin to slow down and bit and we will get into a normal pattern.

Lilah is three weeks old and growing like mad. We had her weighed today and she is 8 lb 11 oz. I really can't believe that she is so big already. She holds her head up like crazy, especially when she is enjoying tummy time with her daddy. She is smiling and be cooing now, and we are pretty sure that it's not just gas anymore. Although, when it was gas it was still nice to be smiled at even though we knew it wasn't on purpose.

Content after her first bath. This was not her face three minutes
prior to this picture being taken, but once the towel was on and
she was warm everything was okay.
Strike a pose!

Lilah's first Christmas picture.

Getting a loving hug from her cousin Alianna. Alianna was
very interested in Lilah over the holidays but did a great job with her.

Trying out her new swing from all the Bohm's in Wisconsin

So smiley, she does this a lot now.

I just love this picture.

Two week checkup. Notice the big puddle of spit up?
She likes to spit upjust about everything she eats. It's super fun!

After two weeks she had gained eight ounces over her birth weight.

Checking her heart beat.

She is looking up at the tapestry on the wall. She is so strong!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lilah is here!

Lilah Josephine Bohm is finally here. She arrived December 7
at 11:29 am. She was 7 lb 2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Labor began on December 6 when Briony's water broke while
shopping with her mom in the morning. She immediately started having
contractions so Bill came home from work and they finished
packing their bags for the hospital. Amy, Briony and Bill's friend
and doula, arrived around noon. The contractions
began to get closer together and longer so they decided to
head to the hospital around 2:00 pm and arrived there around
2:30 pm. Contractions slowly began to increase and around
7:00 pm that evening things were starting to rock and roll.
It looked like the labor would be progressing quickly, little did they
know that that was not God's plan.

After a couple of hours of contractions Briony had only dilated to 1 cm,
which was a bit disheartening. Contractions continued but
progress was very slow. By 2:00 am in the morning dilation was only
to 3 cm, and at this time contractions were getting very intense.
They had to make some decisions since the water
had broken so early the previous morning. A decision was made
some time later to start pitocin which helped to jump start the labor
and move things along. By this time everyone was exhausted
and contractions had been consistant and intense for over eight hours.

At 6:00 am Briony finally got an epidural to help through the end of
labor. By 8:00 am she was 5 cm dilated and by 10:00 she had gone
to 10 cm and Lilah was at +2 station. The nurse was very
surprised and pushing started almost immediately. After 40
minutes of pushing Lilah was born and everyone was relieved that
the 25 1/2 hour labor was finally over.

We are overjoyed to have their baby girl here
and hope that you enjoy the pictures as much as we do.

Getting all checked out

Cage fighter

Already in love

She likes to stare at her daddy

All tuckered out

Two Nanas

proud Papa

four generations


Checking out all her parts
Proud Grandpa

First car ride home. She did not like her car seat
and cried herself silly, then promptly fell asleep.

First visitors

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Maternity Photos

We had maternity pictures taken a couple of weeks
ago. Here are a couple of our favorites. And of course
the family picture above.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Of course with no baby we still don't have many excited
photos to share with you. Here are some pictures of the
babies room and my growing belly.

This is the belly cast that Bill and I made. He covered me in plaster
and I decorated it. I think it turned out really pretty.

34 Weeks

31 Weeks

Saturday, September 20, 2008



Cooking my niece...not really. She just looked so cute
in the pot that I had to take the picture.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our first baby pictures....

These were taken at 20 weeks and now I'm 24 weeks. Our tech who did the ultrsound was incredible and these pictures are so cool. Just read the bottom of the picture to know what it is.