Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I thought I'd share some of our recent photos while I have the time. It always seems like I update the blog and suddenly two or three months have passed. I've updated twice in one month!

I was able to save my store money and buy a long awaited camera. I've had so much fun playing with it and experimenting. Some of the pictures I've added are just fun stuff. I'm totally in love with this camera. I can see why some take up photography as a business. I have way too many of those so this will be a hobby...hopefully : )

I walked into the bedroom and found Lilah ripping apart a magazine and playing with the heating blanket cord. She was so proud of herself.

Lilah and her best friend Alex had a little play date. They love to bat at each other and just stare. It's pretty cute to watch. Alex walks and Lilah doesn't so Lilah just follows Alex wherever she goes.

I love this picture. She was busy working at her busy box and I couldn't help using the beautiful sunlight in her room.

Daddy's Christmas present.

Playing with cousin Marlo on Christmas Eve and Grandma's house.

Opening presents with Grandma.

She loves sitting in her pretty purple chair and watching baby signing time. She does these funny things with her hands all the time and I was able to catch one of them. Bummer the angle is up high but if I had moved she would have also.

Hugging her Poppop

Mom has this great clay house on her wall that I love.

Reading one her favorite books at Nana's house.

Playing with the camera.

Lilah just loves her Uncle Sean. They had a fun time on Christmas Day.

Opening up presents. She still needed a bit of help, but I think she's getting the hang of it.

My most favorite Christmas picture.

Friday, December 11, 2009

We Officially Have a Toddler!

I know it's what everyone says, but it really is hard to believe that it's been a year already. Lilah does so much now it's hard to imagine her as a little peanut all swaddled up.

My online stores are so crazy busy that I don't have time to do Christmas Cards so consider this yours. I love doing my online business and teaching part time. I have three of the greatest jobs in the world...mommy, teacher, crafter. They all give me joy and make me so happy.

Bill really likes his job as a sheriff. He starts back into school in the spring to finish his degree in criminology. He currently works Friday through Sunday all day, but has the rest of the week off. It's been great for our family because Lilah gets to be home with one of us almost all of the time. Every other Friday Nana and Poppop watch Lilah for a couple of hours so I can teach my middle school class.

Here are a few pictures of Thanksgiving and Lilah's first birthday.

Auntie Jordy and Cousin Alianna on Thanksgiving
Giving mommy a kiss.

Auntie Jordy sent Lilah some glasses to practice her drinking. We worked on it for about two weeks with nothing but wet clothes, and then one day it clicked. Now she drinks from her glass at every meal. Below is a video of the first time she figured it out. She doesn't get as wet now.

Pretty Birthday Girl. Like the black eye? She had a fight with a chair and the chair won.

Posing for the camera already.

Ripping paper is so much fun....

but bows are more interesting (and much cheaper than the actual gift)

Birthday cupcakes

What in the world is this thing...

maybe I'll just check it out a bit....

opening big to fit it in....

well that was interesting....

I want more!!!

Woah! I need to sit back and relax after that.

Sitting in her lovely purple chair from Andy

Once again, I tell you that ribbons make great birthday presents. Save your money people.

Video of Lilah drinking from her cup. It's amazing how a little cup can cause so much excitement. Then again I never thought I'd get excited about things like pooping and burping either.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's hard to believe that a year ago this time I was in the terminal stages of my pregnancy. I can't say I miss all. It seems like every day Lilah does something new and exciting and it's really hard to think back to her being so small (and immobile).

Here are some recent picture of the cutie bean.

Blueberry in the hair

"I'm just reading mom."

Nana, Lilah and I visited Lincoln in October. Isn't my niece just the cutest!

Forgot to turn this one...oops. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of the cousins while they waited for the bath to fill.

I went to put Lilah to bed one night and found this in her belly button. A corn kernel.

Daddy and Lilah outside. She loves being outside.

Checking out all the snow after the big storm

I put her in the snow and she promptly began eating it.

She was peeved because I put on her gloves.

One of her favorite things is to be naked. Before her baths she likes to play at the mirror...naked.

She found the top to a bottle and was very impatient and just began to suck on it.

Absolutely covered in drool

In her big girl jammies.

Helping with the dishes.

"Look mom, I discovered a cabinet!"