Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh how time flies

Lilah is TWELVE WEEKS OLD!!! Oh how the time flies. Major things that have happened lately...
She can now stay up on her hand and elbows for lengthy periods of time
She can roll over (front to back both directions)
She is becoming more aware of her hands and is grabbing at things and actually holding on.

Most of all she is just so much fun. She is laughing out loud which is one of the best sounds we have ever heard. I know one of my favorite times of day is in the morning when I get her out of bed and she is so smiley and loves seeing me. I'm sure the best part of Bill's day is coming home because she just lights up when she sees him.

The worst part about her being 12 weeks old is that I know soon and very soon I'll be going back to work. I'm very excited to see the kids and get back to school, but of course I don't want to leave Lilah. Thankfully God has blessed us with two wonderful people to watch her. Phyllis Giddings, the mother of a great friend whom I've known for years, will be watching her three days a week. The other two days she will be with a mother a student who I had for two years. Both woman have big hearts for kids and both are wonderful Christian ladies, which makes me super happy.

I finally added some videos. The are at the bottom.

Lilah doing some tummy time

Gouda and Biscuit snuggling at bed time

Lilah loves tummy time and was laughing at Chicken. You'll have to excuse the naked baby bum. She had a terrible diaper rash so we were airing it out as much as possible.

Stare down

I put up these black and white patterns by her changing table. She loves to look and laugh at them.

Looking at the patterns

She holds her hands a lot. I think it's super cute

She has her Baby Legs on. They are like leg warmers for babies and you can use them for all sorts of things like sleeves and stuff. I was sick of taking her pants on a off one day so she just had her baby legs on which makes changing diapers so much easier.

Auntie Em got her an oh so cute onsie from Wicked, which happens to be mommy's favorite musical.

In her Bumbo. She likes to sit up and is doing a pretty good job so far. Of course she can't do it unassisted but the Bumbo sure does help her get the feel of sitting up.


She wanted so disparately to grab the toy but just could not get her hand to it. So she just stared at it.

The first video is of her rolling over. Again you'll have to pardon the nakedness, she still had the diaper rash when I filmed it. The second video is of her playing with the cow toy.