Friday, April 10, 2009

Four Months Old

Four Months Old
Four months old and counting. It's hard to believe that she was born four months ago but here we are. She is just the most fun thing in the world. She is very social and loves being around people...sound like anyone you may know?

Things she worked on this month...
Rolling from her back to her belly
Holding on to toys
Eating her hands

I have gone back to work which has been great and terrible at the same time. The days are long and the weekends are difficult, but this too shall pass. Luckily I have an amazing and helpful husband to make things better.

I am now going to plug my online store. Please visit it at I have always wanted to open my own store and decided to start here. I make baby items and jewelry. PLEASE visit!!!

The dr suggested that we start rice cereal to get her used to eating. This was the result. We decided it's not worth the mess since it all ended up outside of her mouth instead of in it. She thought it was a wonderful game though.

This is the kitchen door the day of the March blizzard.

A daddy and his girl. Notice the dirt on Bill's upper lip, he decided to grow a "copstache" since it's the only facial hair they allow. It didn't last longer than a day. I must have complained too much.

Eating her rattle

Every night before bed we read a book. This one is her favorite. Or at least it's our favorite.

Bath time froggy

Gouda ripped off her duclaw and it was a huge ordeal. The vet wrapped it up but that didn't stop Gouda from getting to it. She ended up with a cone for a week. It was truly very funny. She already thinks she's a small dog and it just made the problem worse.
Nana bought Lilah these great rattle socks for Christmas. She was trying so hard to get to them.

Doing push ups and working on those guns....have you bought a ticket to the gun show?

She wiggled her arm out of the swaddler and when I went to check on her this is what I found. I thought it was just too cute.

Sweet and sleeping.

This is her "I just woke up" face...too funny


Emily Kaye said...

I love all the pictures. I'm thinking my favorite is her "I just woke up" face. She is just so adorable. You are one of the luckiest people I know.
