Six Month Photos
A friend from high school is starting out a photography business and did these amazing photos for us. She is self taught and hasn't been doing it long but you would never know. I am so impressed by these photos. If you want her contact info just let me know.
A friend from high school is starting out a photography business and did these amazing photos for us. She is self taught and hasn't been doing it long but you would never know. I am so impressed by these photos. If you want her contact info just let me know.
My first attempt at a pettiskirt. It turned out pretty good I think....considering the millions of yards and lots of sewing it takes to make one. No wonder boutiques sell them for $80.
she is extremely, extremely cute. !!! :)
I have a crinoline like that. I got it at a thrift store for $6. I wear it, and people make fun of me. (this means I'm doing something right.) love to see it rocked on a baby!!!
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