Friday, September 18, 2009

What a BIG girl!

Nine and a half months old! So much has happened in the last three months. It seems like Lilah is a totally different baby. She is so much fun and has the best personality. People ask who she is more like and the answer is that she is truly a mix of both of us. She is dramatic like me (I know what you are thinking, "Briony....dramatic.....noooo") in so many ways. When she wants to be heard she definitely lets you know. But, she is really easy going just like Bill. She will go anywhere, to anyone, and is just a happy little girl. Her bad days are most babies good days.

Accomplishments in the last three months:
she has a tooth (bottom right incisor)
pulling up
talking a mile a minute (sound like anyone you know?)
HER FIRST WORD!!! and it was....mama

In other news, Bill is a week away from finishing his FTI. He graduated from the police academy in June and has been in the jail since then. He finally bid for his permanent schedule and he got the one that wanted so it will work perfectly for our family. He'll be working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which means that he'll be able to be with Lilah when I am at work.

Speaking of work, I have the joy of working part time this year so I can be with Lilah. I am now the Advanced Learning Plan (another name for Gifted and Talented but the same thing) Coordinator for my school. I meet with students k-8 and do fun enrichment activities. In addition to that I am now the middle school Play Production teacher. I get to teach the students all about costuming, set design, makeup and much more.

Enjoy these pictures from the last three months!

Lovin on Daddy

"I hate my exersaucer"

"I love my exersaucer"

"blueberries are my favorite food and I like to show it"

blueberries for dessert

We had a wicked hail storm in July. Every house in the neighborhood (well, almost every house in Arvada actually) had major hail damage. We got a new roof and a garage out of it!

This was taken the morning after.

I helped Sarah Jacobson cover and tiny recliner for Anders. I think it took us about 13 hours. It turned out so cute.

Just cuteness

I made a tutu and wings for my store. Of course she had to model them.

Static head

We were trying to get just a nice smile picture. It proved to be much more difficult than we imagined.

Tickle and giggle fit

Smile picture challenge day two...still not interested in just a normal smile, but she did give us some great faces

Bath time mohawk

We visited Grandpa Kenny's property up in Coal Creek Canyon. Lilah wore her tie dye shirt in honor of Grandma Bohm.

"I love string cheese"

Hat hair

Meeting cousin River for the first time. River was six weeks old. Lilah looks like a giant compared to him. I forget how big she is. She was so interested in him and just wanted to keep touching him.

nice hug

River was born with big feet so we wanted to compare. Still littler than Lilah's though.


Amy said...

She is such a cutie!!! Love the pics!